Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

What is the weight of the worlds biggest pumpkin? How long did it take to grow?

Typed into tool bar - and searched within their site "worlds biggest pumpkin". That sent me too...

It was grown in Rhode Island, USA in 2007. It weighed 1689 pounds!! Which is about 800Kg! Wow!

Had to go to another website to find out how long it took to grow.

Went onto

About 4 Months (Spring)

What is the best way (quickest and most reliable) to contact Lily Allen?



What is the length of a giraffes tongue?

"The head has a rather elongated profile, with a long, thin upper lip, which is prehensile and used along with the long (about 18 inches), blue-black (to protect from sunburn), mobile tongue to grasp and tear foliage while the animal is feeding"

- From

How would you define the word "glycomics"? In your own words, what does it really mean?


Glycomics, an analogous term to genomics and proteomics, is the comprehensive study of glycomes (the entire complement of sugars, whether free or present in more complex molecules, of an organism), including genetic, physiologic, pathologic, and other aspects.


The study of all sugars within an organism.

What does the term "seagul manager" refer to?

A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves.

What was David Cronenbergs first feature film?

Was the avant garde sci-fi lick, Stereo in 1969.

Which of his films had "blondie" in it?

Videodrome 1983.

A programmer at a TV station that specializes in adult entertainment searches for the producers of a dangerous and bizarre broadcast.
Cast: James Woods, Sonja Smits, Deborah Harry (AKA Blondie), Peter Dvorsky, Les Carlson
Director: David Cronenberg
Genres: Media Satire, Sci-Fi Horror, Science Fiction, Horror

When was the original "Hacker's Manifesto" written?

I'd heard of the book before so searched on amazon with no luck as to the original date...

1986 January 8 by The Mentor. Sounds like a really interesting read! Also the name of a book written by McKenzie Wark.

Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films start with 555?

This link is amusing! Lets phone Buffy!!!

Got the actual answer from MovieBlog. Just a stupid tradition!

What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Sydney?

Fly Jetstar- $99 (to find the cheapest airfare)

Drive- 850km with an average of $1.30per L of petrol.

Train- $87.15

Bus- $100.32

Ride a Donkey- $1000 to buy a donkey

Result: unless you already own a donkey which would result in free travel, the train is the cheapest form of travel to Sydney. :)

What song was top of the Australian pop charts this week in 1965?

This one was easy to find if you knew stuff about music!! Stupid Sound of Music soundtrack was on top in 1965 for like 70 weeks or something ridiculous!

Which Brisbane band includes Stephan Stockwell on keyboard and vocals?
The Black Assassins. He's from our uni!!!! I thought he was someone really famous!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Our task in week three's tute was to find the definitions for these three terms.
  • ECU
  • WS
  • MS

Being in a new communications Lecture i figured they would be computer based or at least technological...
I thought I'd cheated but I didn't mean too! I typed ECU into Google and up popped the last classes posts from the tutorial. Turned out they'd done the same exercise.
Thus i've posted the link to a Craig's definition of ECU but i've also done my own research and found my own definitions.

Via the last classes blog! Didn't mean to i swear!

My double check...
ECU into google brought up all sorts...
Electronic Control Unit-
Extreme Close Up-
Error Correction Union-
European Currency Unit-

Finally i got it...
It was my second step, Extreme Close Up. By Googling "Language of the Screen and ECU"
That was also how i found the other two... All about the Screen and Shot angles.
Extreme Close Up
Googled "Define: Extreme Close Up"
Definitions Via Google
  • A shot in which a character or item takes up the entire frame of film, often used for dramatic effect or to tell the audience that this is important.

Mid Shot
Googled "Define Mid Shot"
Definitions of Mid shot on the Web:
Wide Shot
Googled "Define: Wide Shot"
Definitions of Wide Shot on the Web:


Wilhelm Schickard designs the first calculator for use adding large figures. Called the calculating clock.


Pascal invents an adding machine (Pascaline) too aid his father who was a tax collector, it was too expensive to keep running.


Samuel Morland builds a mechanical calculator, only able to add and subtract.


Charles Babbage begins his work on the "computer". His is more like a mechanical calculator than an electronic device. He is noted as the inventor of the first digital computer. Called the analytical engine.


Alan Turing starts the first serious work on a model, comparable to the modern computer. Isn't commercially produced until the 1950's by IBM.


The first freely programmable computer is designed.


The first talk of the Internet began. The RAND corporation began talking of a communication program that could survive a Nuclear war.


The first computer game invented.


The first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart.


Alan Shugart &IBMThe "Floppy" Disk . Nicknamed the "Floppy" for its flexibility.


The first PC (personal computer) was released. Didn't do much more than get " a whole lot of tech-nerds really excited." (Learning at Griffith, Lecture Two, A Short History of the computer) "there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home" Ken Olson Chairman DEC.


People began to get excited and see the possibilities of the computer.


Lecture notes "A Brief history of Computing" , Learning at Griffith, Accessed 13.8.09, 14.8.09 Accessed 13.8.09 Accessed 17.8.09 accessed 17.8.09 Accessed 17.8.09 Accessed 17.8.09 Accessed 17.8.09

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week Two

Wow. Week Two is over already! Its Sunday night and Week Three is about to start!
RunDown of Week Two.
Missed Social Enterprise Lec+Tute :( I feel heaps slack!
Communication Performance Tute was awesome. PLaying with the camera's and that will be a laugh. Not sure who in their right mind would allow me to play with a $Thousand Dollar camera!
ComTech Lecture was about the history of the computer which was actually kinda interesting... Learnt alot of stuff i didn't know about computers...
ComTech Tute was good we looked up info on a range of new technologies and defined Convergence and Convergent technologies. God there are some crazy new technologies out there. People are insane! Who invents this stuff!
News+Politics Lecture was alright, just summed up what I'd read in the textbook..
News+Politics Tute was good, tutor is funny, i think it'll be a good class.


Here are a few new-ish communication technologies which i think are worth mentioning.

Wireless Internet.

Has this not revolutionised the way we use the internet! This invention goes hand in hand with new laptop technology, no more massive cords and boxes to carry around its all so tiny and modern and well designed. Its now so easy to stay in contact with people via the web and email.

The smart phone

Mobile phone technology has exploded to the point where phones now vary little from the modern computer. With the internet, camera and GPS technolgies, making a simple telephone call is no longer the most important thing when buying a cellphone. With so many different technologies all rolled into one the Smart Phone is the best example available of Convergent technologies.

Video Calling Technology

Via the internet through the use of a webcam and sites such as SKYPE, AOL, and MSN making a video call is as easy as clicking a button! The use of the webcams has been fairly popular however the use of video calls via mobile phones, though available for about 4years hasn't beeen as popular as hoped.

Article about video calling:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Perhaps Some Communication Technologies?

Seeing as how this is my New Communication Technologies blog i should probably find something relating to communication... I'll make it interesting of course! I'll find some crazy ones... :)

Stupid New Technologies

Stupid Pointless Inventions

Greenhouse Helmet

Now you can take your Greenhouse with you! :S

Greenhouse Helmet

Motorized Fork

Motorized Fork

"A tiny motor in the fork spins the business end of it around. For what purpose you ask? Well, it’s pretty much only meant to be used with Pasta. Despite the silliness of having a motorized utensil, doesn’t anyone see the potential problems?"

Toliet Paper hat??

Anything Japanese

Musical Dirty Nappy Alarm

Diaper Alarm

Umbrella Hat

Stupid & Pointless Inventions


[image loading][image loading][image loading]

The tweel is an airless tire. It has many pros and a few cons. Michelin plans to use them for commercial/construction vehicles and once they work out all the kinks they should be more public in 10 years or so.

New Technologies!??

So retro! The new MaxxPhone is a cell phone with more features than many regular phones. Credit: Wright-Wellis Enterprises

This is the newest thing in cell phone technologies!

For $379.95 you can get the MaxxPhone which is a cell phone... that sits on your desk? Being as portable as your printer!??

"MaxxPhone sports all the pushbuttons, bells and whistles you'd expect from a fancy office phone. This includes a full keyboard so you don't have to wear out your thumbs sending text messages, and a digital display large enough for use by non-teenagers with tired eyesight."
[image loading]
Toast/Cut bagel in one stroke

[image loading]
trim the hedges

[image loading]
Light a cigarette

[image loading]

[image loading]
Heat your coffee

[image loading]
Cut down a tree

[image loading]

Second Tute.

Communication Technologies Second Tute
The act of Converging... Is Coming together.
Convergence. The coming together of two or more things. (Definition via Google:
Technological Convergence. Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks.
( Via Wikipedia:

Technological convergence
The coming together of different technologies in order to simplfy many technological devices into one simple device. Eg, The smartphone, computer, phone, camera, internet, all in one simple device.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Day Off

Opps. Slept in and missed my Social Enterprise lecture.
Tried to figure out if i could borrow from the library without going all the way into uni. Couldn't so i bussed it all the way there just to find out they didn't have the books so I'd have to order them from Logan. THAT i could have done from home. Thus i wasted my last $2.
I watched Dr Phil. Awesome.
Sent out many emails trying to organise some work experience for the holidays. No replys.
Had a nap. Now Im hypo.
Rang CentreGay. My claim was rejected.
Had another nap. Mainly so i didn't have to think about my bills.
Now im watching Deal or No Deal. Even better.
Wishing i got offered $38 000...
Ah! So sick of being poor! Its so frustrating!