Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lecture Week 8

Just got out of Stephen Stockwell's lecture.
Was good but I need to read the notes on Learning at Griffith to benefit fully... all the computer stuff kinda goes over my head. It was about Cyber Politics and eDemocracy. However he is a good lecturer he manages to keep me entertained even if i get a bit lost with computer terms. Today wasn't too bad he wasn't talking about gigamefabites or anything toooo crazy! Hahaha

My to do list from the lecture is as follows:
- Read over Stephen's lecture notes because they were a bit too small for me to read in there!
- Read the suggested readings if not all of them at least the Allegory of Platos Cave and the one by William Gibson.
- Look up William Gibson via the links he provided.
- Look up the movie he mentioned "The Conversation".

Not to bad except I have to work all weekend! RRrrrr I wish I was rich so I didn't need to work!

P.S Highlight of Lecture?? Guy getting kicked out for talking on his phone during the lecture!!! Scary! Definatley wont be answering my phone in class any time soon!!!

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