Thursday, September 17, 2009

OpenOffice Experience Week9

Ok. One of week 9 task's is to download a program from Now, this would be fine, however my PC has serious issues... in fact I have a feeling that it may not return after the blue screen of death incident... Thus we just purchased a beautiful new Mac.... ohhhhhh its gorgeous... never thought i would feel this way about a computer! Hahaha But I am serious it is so quick and cooperative! And it isn't just a blue screen!!!!

In Love I tell you!

Anyway now I have my beautiful Mac I can't download programs off Or more specifically I can but they wont do anything on my computer! (Yes I did try...)

Sooooo.... to overcome this problem I downloaded a Mac version of OpenOffice off the OpenOffice website! I'm hoping this still counts!!!!!

So Today I'm blogging about my experience with OpenOffice...
I have just completed my News and Politics Media Industry assessment which I wrote on OpenOffice's version of a Word document.

This is how it went...
Type-ity type-ity type type type....
Insert Quote..
Type some more...
Now its getting late...
Now its really late. I'm even watching David Letterman. *Sigh* I hate American comedy! Its just NOT funny!!!
Ok. Now its really late, Ive had too much caffeine and my brain has gone to bed...
Its Synonyms Button time!!!
Oh no. Oh my. May God have mercy on our souls...
(In case you haven't guessed, I couldn't find the synonyms button.)
Trust me... its completely devastating at 2 o'clock in the morning when the only words you can think of are sleep and coffee. And they didn't really make any sense in my assessment...

Other than that i found that OpenOffice was the same as Word... The fact that i couldn't find the synonyms button probably has a lot to do with me being new to Mac's and not understanding the crazy mouse pad. (HOW THE HELL DO YOU RIGHT CLICK ON SOMETHING!) I haven't used its version of powerpoint yet, but i opened it before and it looked very similar.

Also I wanted to note that OpenOffice is compatible with Microsoft Word. Despite what i was told before hand, i checked it out and i had no problems opening an openoffice document in Word...

P.s Im loving that i didn't need to pay $200 for a program I brought (not even) six months ago before my computer decided to BlueScreenOf Death me! Not happy that you can only add it to two computers! Dumb! I paid good money for that!

Also loving that I'm about to download Gimp instead of paying millions of dollars for photoshop! (I'll let you know how my Gimp experience goes!)

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