Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pick 5 Links

The Wayback Machine
This is kind of cool... You type in a website and it shows you what it looked like "wayback" ago... Haha I used MySpace. In 1997 it had like two pages! And it was so basic! Crazy that it could be the 5th biggest country in the world now!
I just LOVE this website!! Online shopping in style!!! No more ugly ebay buys these designs are awesome!! Not just clothes its got loads of other creative things to do! The best is being able to make your own outfits! searching by brands makes it oh-so-simple to use! And their great brands too!!
Not at all useful and as said "wont end world hunger" but it is a bit of fun! Just for a laugh they have 17 google maps that will give you something to do for at least half an hour (at least i managed to waste that much time on it!)

This one is about as useful as the last one but again you can waste some time and have some laughs. I really like this one about a guy taking different photos everyday until he turns 30. What an interesting experiment!

This one is abit scary! Its a map of the world and little icons to click on to let you know all the terrible disasters happening around the world! My brother is in South America were their are currently 6 erupting volcanoes, a tornadoe and two devastating thunderstorms!!!! :( I Guess the country is pretty big...

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